asking on behalf my friend
הרב יניב חניא י טבת, תשסח 19/12/2007.......................
I am searching for ancestry to prove Jewish decent as my family is under the impression that we are already Jewish. My grandmother's (June Claire Romp) mother's (Clara Verschoote) name was Maidgham Vandenbush and they lived in Belgium. I have no other information and would like to know where I can find if they were Jewish or not? I am also seeking information on what exactly I must know before
I can convert if I cannot prove legacy. Please direct me?
well, the only way you can prove you are jewish family is coming to beth din and give fact. usally, in regular countries, you will need to check the official registrations, and so.
as a start i will recomend to try and find visibility to jewish customs in your family and so on. there is a center here in israel that help people to find such facts, but i know they work with rusian imagrants, i don't know how they will treat people from "healthy" countries, where we can count of the official registration.
if you want, i can give you the number of this center.
have a luck.
I am searching for ancestry to prove Jewish decent as my family is under the impression that we are already Jewish. My grandmother's (June Claire Romp) mother's (Clara Verschoote) name was Maidgham Vandenbush and they lived in Belgium. I have no other information and would like to know where I can find if they were Jewish or not? I am also seeking information on what exactly I must know before
I can convert if I cannot prove legacy. Please direct me?
I am searching for ancestry to prove Jewish decent as my family is under the impression that we are already Jewish. My grandmother's (June Claire Romp) mother's (Clara Verschoote) name was Maidgham Vandenbush and they lived in Belgium. I have no other information and would like to know where I can find if they were Jewish or not? I am also seeking information on what exactly I must know before
I can convert if I cannot prove legacy. Please direct me?
well, the only way you can prove you are jewish family is coming to beth din and give fact. usally, in regular countries, you will need to check the official registrations, and so.
as a start i will recomend to try and find visibility to jewish customs in your family and so on. there is a center here in israel that help people to find such facts, but i know they work with rusian imagrants, i don't know how they will treat people from "healthy" countries, where we can count of the official registration.
if you want, i can give you the number of this center.
have a luck.